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Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

When it comes to getting their paws on delicious treats, dogs can be opportunists.

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

But you should know that not all everyday foods and drinks are safe for consumption if they come into contact with them.

Now, learn the dangerous foods your dog should never eat. So, just because you can eat most of the things on this list doesn’t mean your dog can.

People who have dogs will be familiar with having a shadow when you are working at the kitchen counter, preparing a meal for the day.

They always sit there with their puppy dog eyes, simply watching and waiting for something to come their way.

The truth is that most of us just can’t help but throw in a little of whatever we are cooking at the time.

Even though your dog might look like it wants what you have more than anything else, that doesn’t mean it should get it.

Humans enjoy a lot of things that dogs can’t digest or that are just toxic for them. 

So, it’s essential to know the toxic and dangerous foods your dog should never eat.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli has isothiocyanates, which can be dangerous to pets in very large doses.

However, on occasion, small amounts of broccoli can be okay, but I will say it is best that you avoid them given the fact that plenty of healthy foods are available.

Broccoli stalks can also cause obstruction, as they can sometimes get caught in a dog’s throat.

  • Mushrooms

I strongly suggest that you err on the side of caution and stay away from feeding your dog mushrooms.

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

Mushrooms have different types of toxins that might cause kidney and liver failure, diarrhea, hallucinations, vomiting, and damage to the red blood cells.

However, washed, white mushrooms from the grocery store might be okay, but it’s probably safer to go for a different treat.

  • Salt

Keep in mind that excessive amounts of salt can change the fluid balance in your dog's cells. 

Too much salt can actually cause seizures, tremors, and even comas.

Don’t allow their sad eyes to ruin their health, whether your dog is begging for a bite of homemade playdough, potato chips, or rock salt.

  • Alcohol

A beer or a glass of wine can go a long way at the end of a long day. 

Although alcoholic beverages and goods containing even traces of alcohol can be greatly damaging to your dog.

That being said, even a small amount of alcohol can be harmful to dogs, causing diarrhea and vomiting.

It will also lead to depression in the central nervous system, just like in humans. 

And it can even lead to difficulties breathing and, in extreme cases, coma, tremors, and even death.

Their bodies are just not meant to digest alcohol. I strongly suggest that you contact the Animal Poison Control Centre or your veterinarian right away if your pet happens to ingest any alcohol.

  • Lollies

Sugar is literally not needed and is harmful to your pooch’s diet. 

However, that does not mean you shouldn’t allow them to try a small piece of something sugary once in a while.

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

But still, even a little too much can cause severe reactions. So, you should know that the sugars and preservatives present in lollies can cause hyperactivity, which in turn will lead to an increased heart rate.

At last, it can cause diabetes and unhealthy amounts of weight gain if they overeat.

  • Caffeine

It’s possible you are among the many people who live off coffee and cannot start the day without one, but that shouldn’t be the case with your dog.

Caffeine has a compound known as methylxanthines, and it can cause diarrhea, excessive thirst, vomiting, panting, hyperactivity, urination, seizures, tremors, and even death when ingested by your dog.

That being said, keep your coffee all to yourself and keep caffeine away from your pet.

  • Chocolate

Caffeine, theobromine, and methylxanthines are the three ingredients in chocolate that can cause poisoning.

So, it is no surprise that a lot of cases of accidental ingestion happen during the holidays.

As you know, methylxanthines are the biggest problem, but even so, all of them are problematic.

Just remember that the darker the chocolate, the more extreme the results. 

Methylxanthine can cause cardiac arrhythmias and issues with the central nervous system (CNS).

Even less than 1 ounce can be life-threatening. You might even see signs in less than 6 hours.

Some of these signs include GI distress, vomiting, seizures, extreme thirst, hyperactivity, and if left untreated, death.

  • Raisins and Grapes

Their tartaric acid content is where the toxicity of raisins and grapes originated.

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

It is actually the most widespread acid in these fruits. And it can cause kidney failure and liver damage if your dog happens to ingest it.

You will always see the obvious signs within 24 hours, and most times, they appear sooner.

And, some of these evident signs include weakness, vomiting, tremors, and lethargy.

Kidney failure happens within 72 hours after your dog has consumed it, which demands the assisted suicide of the pet.

  • Starfruit

The starfruit is the classic alluring fruit. It is from Southeast Asia; it is delectable and rather low in sugar.

Sadly, this fruit can be an issue for dogs and even people. It can cause kidney problems, especially for people with pre-existing conditions.

It can also affect medication uptake, which makes it extremely advisable for pets on prescription drugs to avoid it. At least in people, starfruit can also cause confusion and nausea.

  • Onions, Garlic, Chives, and Leeks

It is actually mostly a surprise to a lot of pet owners to find out that the herbs that belong to the Allium family, like garlic and onions, are not safe for their pets.

Garlic and onions have disulfides and sulfoxides in them, and they can damage the red blood cells and even cause anemia in dogs and cats.

Garlic and onion powders are also present in several prepared foods, and that includes baby food, so ensure that you read labels before serving store-bought food to your dog.

As a matter of fact, all allium plants can cause possibly lethal anemia in dogs and cats, including leeks and chives.

There are certain Japanese breeds of dogs, such as Shiba Inus and Akitas, that are extremely sensitive to allium plants, but the plants are dangerous to all dogs.

The Verdict

The foods listed above can be dangerous or toxic to dogs, given the fact that they contain substances that can cause severe reactions or even lead to death.

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat: Toxic Foods for Dogs

In comparison to humans, dogs happen to possess different metabolisms and digestive systems, so some foods that are safe for our consumption can be dangerous to them.

It is crucial that you understand which foods are safe for your pet to consume and which foods you should avoid feeding them in order to keep them safe and healthy.

In my opinion, it is always best to take precautions and stay away from feeding your dog anything that is not specifically made for dogs.

Pay your veterinarian a visit immediately if you happen to notice that your dog has ingested something dangerous.

This concludes this guide, as you now have the top list of dangerous foods your dog should never eat.

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