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6 Reasons Your Husky Is Overweight (And What to Do)

It’s normal to have questions and be concerned for the health of your husky if you notice that it is gaining too much weight or even getting fat.

6 Reasons Your Husky Is Overweight

That being said, this guide covers the 6 reasons your Husky is overweight and what to do about it.

So, just read through since you are here to ask the question, "Why is my Husky gaining weight?"

Reasons Why Your Husky Is Overweight

Below are the six most common reasons your Husky is overweight:

6 Reasons Your Husky Is Overweight

1. Too Much Food

Make sure that you always check how much the label on your dog food suggests that you feed your pup.

Although it can be argued that isn’t necessarily a problem, but with time it can become one if you increase the amount of food without realizing it.

2. Too Many Treats

Well, it can be said that most if not all of us are guilty of treating our dogs, but there are times that you can overdo it out of love.

However, I strongly advise that you only treat your Husky during exercise or training and you should very much stay away from feeding them any human food, due to the fact that you don’t know for certain how many calories there are.

3. Lack Of Exercise

When it comes to exercise, Huskies possess an extremely high requirement, nothing less than 2 hours each day.

So, it’s not news that so many Husky owners do not meet this requirement on a daily basis.

There’s a great likelihood that your Husky will add weight if this exercise requirement is not met, with the assumption that you continue to feed them as normal.

4. Weight Gain Due To Neutering

If there’s actually no change in diet at the time of surgery, there is evidence that supports the fact that neutering increases weight gain.

Neutering affects the hormonal balance of Huskies and reduces their calorie consumption.

The metabolism and energy requirements are slowed down by changes in the hormonal balance.

Studies have also shown that neutering increases a dog's appetite.

During this time, you should prepare for any rapid weight gain that might occur, so I suggest that you visit your veterinarian for assistance with a feeding plan. 

That way, if you are not sure about this, you can simply ask them.

5. Old Age

Your Husky will not be able to exercise or be as active as they were when they were younger as they approach old age.

However, keep in mind that this is totally normal, but there are times when it can be hard for us owners to reduce the amount of food and treats that we feed our pooch.

This is so, given the fact that we mostly use it as a replacement technique for keeping them happy if they can’t exercise as much as required.

It is essential that you keep their weight in a healthy range due to the fact that health problems tend to occur in old age, so it’s not wise to increase the risk of any health-related problems.

6. Hormones

Huskies are very susceptible to hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid, and this is a problem that can lead to weight gain amongst several other symptoms.

This health issue causes a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, which in turn, by affecting its metabolism, slows down the rate at which a Husky burns calories.

It’s actually straightforward when it comes to the treatment of this underactive thyroid, and it involves hormone replacement tablets.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight for Your Husky

There are a few steps you can take to help your Husky maintain a healthy weight if you are caring for an overweight Husky.

6 Reasons Your Husky Is Overweight

  • First, feed your Husky with a hearty diet with higher proteins and fewer carbohydrates. This will help you keep the body of your pup's body fueled and healthy.
  • Just keep track of the calories it eats, as this will help you monitor the amount of food you feed your Husky. This way, without overfeeding your dog, you can make sure that it gets enough nutrition.
  • Make sure that your Husky gets adequate exercise every day by walking regularly and engaging in other physical activities.
  • Ensure that you use positive reinforcement with treats to encourage weight loss in your pup.
  • And, before you formulate a weight loss plan, get the approval of your Husky’s vet and also avoid crash diets.

These are tips that can help your Husky maintain a healthy weight and live a happy life.

How Do I Check If My Husky Is Overweight?

The truth is that a fat Husky might not always look fat, so to check if they are obese, you cannot always rely on their weight alone.

As previously stated, one way to tell if your Husky is overweight is by running your hands over their ribcage (their sides).

You will be able to feel the ribs of a healthy dog. However, this might not be the case if your dog is overweight.

The observation method is another way to tell if your Husky is overweight. Just check for any excess abdominal fat by taking a look at their belly.

Normally, a healthy dog has a good waistline," where they do not have excess fat.

When Should You Take Your Husky To The Vet?

You will actually feel more confident and handle the situation better when you have your vet’s instructions on specific issues.

Even though you might think that your question is not important, be sure that your veterinarian won’t think so.

That being said, don’t wait a second to contact your veterinarian for anything at any time.

What Is A Good Weight For A Husky?

Now that you have the six reasons your Husky is overweight, which basically answers the question "Why is my Husky gaining weight?"

So, let’s get to what a good weight is for a Husky. For male Huskies, a healthy weight range is between 44 and 60 pounds and 21 and 24 inches tall.

A healthy weight range for female Huskies is 35 to 51 pounds and 20 to 22 inches tall.

It is actually considered overweight when a Husky weighs 72 pounds or more.

That being said, it is essential that you feed your Husky a hearty diet and exercise regularly if you intend to maintain a healthy weight.

However, there are some breeders that aim to produce larger Huskies for pulling sleds, and some of them weigh more than 70 pounds.

The Verdict

Gaining weight is so much easier compared to losing weight, which means managing the weight of your overweight Husky can be quite a difficult task.

6 Reasons Your Husky Is Overweight

However, note that it is said to be difficult, not impossible. 

Weight loss is not the kind of process that happens overnight; the same is true in the case of dogs.

So, you should be ready to exercise a lot of patience and practice. Just follow the tips mentioned in this guide on what to do about your overweight dog.

That being said, this will then be the conclusion of this guide, as you now have the 6 reasons your Husky is overweight.

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