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Husky vs Wolf: Key Differences Explained

There are a lot of reasons why you must have come looking for this guide on "Husky vs Wolf: Key Differences Explained."

Husky vs Wolf

It is quite possible that you just can’t help but wonder whether the Siberian Husky and the Wolf are related in any way.
The truth is that these two creatures appear to have the same look, which is amazing and might have also prompted the question.
To give you a short answer, but before we get into the details, these two are more different than you might think.
Siberian Husky vs Wolf
Another common question about these creatures is whether the Siberian Husky and the wolf are long-lost brothers.

Husky vs Wolf

Well, the truth about that is that the answer to that question is not entirely lucid.

What is clear, however, is that people have been adopting Huskies and Wolf mixes as pets.
Whatever history or some scientists believe or say about Huskies and wolves, there are a few similarities between the two.
Key Differences Between Huskies and Wolves

Husky vs Wolf

  • Husky vs Wolf: Habitat and Distribution

Going over their habitat and distribution, which is the first difference between these two creatures, the Husky and the wolf,
Huskies can be found worldwide, thanks to the fact that they are a domesticated breed. 

And, with that being said, this dog breed cannot do well with heat tolerance.
They can, however, perform admirably in cold weather. Huskies came from the Arctic tundra of Siberia, and they have been around for about 4,000 years now.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, wolves can be found throughout North America, Eurasia, and parts of Africa.
In comparison to Huskies, there are some wolves that can thrive in warm weather.
And, in these regions, wolves are very likely to possess shorter, coarser hair in contrast to the longer hair you find on wolves that live at higher latitudes.
  • Husky vs Wolf: Size
The individual size of these two creatures, Husky vs Wolf, happens to be the most distinguished difference between them. 

Compared to the largest Husky, almost every wolf subspecies measure larger.
Normally, the height of male Huskies is around 221 to 23.5 inches at the shoulder.

And they happen to weigh around 45 to 60 pounds. Meanwhile, female Huskies happen to measure a bit smaller.
The height of female Huskies is about 20 to 22 inches tall, and they weigh around 35 to 50 pounds. 

However, on the contrary, the height of a wolf can be anywhere from 26 to 33 inches tall.
Compared to the North American wolves, the Eurasia wolves are very likely to weigh more.
It is true that some North American wolf subspecies can grow extraordinarily large. The average weight of European wolves is about 85 pounds.
While that of North American wolves is about 79 pounds. 

With that being said, there are also records of some wolves having a weight of about 190 pounds.
  • Husky vs Wolf: Lifespan
Generally, compared to wolves, huskies are very likely to live longer. The average lifespan of a Husky is around 12 to 15 years.
And, on the other hand, most wolves are only likely to live around 6 to 8 years in the wild.
There are so many reasons for this, some of which are the fact that wolves happen to face several threats, which include potential threats from other predators, disease, the cold, hunters, and also the environment.

Due to all these factors, the life of a wolf might end up unpleasant, short, and brutal.
Although wolves can live up to about 20 years in captivity, you should also know that most of them do not live that long.
  • Husky vs Wolf: Family
As it happens, these two creatures, the Husky and the wolf, both come from the canine family. The Huskies have five breeds in their family or subspecies.
These five breeds are the Alaskan Husky, the Labrador Husky, the Mackenzie River Husky, the Sakhalin Husky, and the Siberian Husky.

The Siberian Husky is the most popular of these five breeds, thanks to sled dog racing.
As mentioned above, Huskies can be found worldwide, which is unlike wolves. 

And this is so because they are domesticated animals that are also bred in several places.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, the wolves are indigenous to North America, Europe, and Asia. 

For wolves, there are 38 subspecies, and when you think about it, this is extremely magnificent.
  • Husky vs Wolf: Food
Huskies are omnivores, and they eat a combination of plant and meat products, which in turn makes their diet much more wide-ranging.
Typically, the diet for a Husky is some mix of hard and/or wet food that is gotten from grocery stores, pet stores, vets, and so on.
This dog breed consumes apples, eggs, blueberries, bread, bones, bananas, broccoli, brown rice, beef, chicken, and oranges.

Wolves, on the other hand, are carnivores, which means they eat meat. Particularly, they love to consume large, footed animals such as elk, deer, bison, and moose.
Wolves will also consume smaller animals, and this list includes animals such as mice, rats, beavers, and hares.
Husky vs Wolf: FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Before we conclude this guide, let’s go through some frequently asked questions about Husky vs Wolf.
Husky vs Wolf

Are Husky Wolf Hybrids Dangerous?
Well, this is one of the frequently asked questions, which is also a normal and important question to ask.

There are breeders who have been trying to make a wolf hybrid into a loving family companion.
However, the truth is that you can never be completely sure that your Husky wolf hybrid will not attack you or any other small animal.
Why Do Huskies and Wolves Howl?
The truth is, the wolves howl for so many reasons. They sometimes howl to mark their territory and sometimes to track down other members of their pack.

However, on the other hand, Huskies howl to retain their congenital impulse, thanks to the fact that they are domesticated.

They sometimes howl because they are upset, sometimes to communicate with other dogs, or probably just to convey their feelings.
How Many Wolves Are There?
Based on reports, it is believed that there are about 200–250,000 gray wolves all around the world. 

You will find most of them located in Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Central Asia.

How Popular Are Huskies?
The Huskies are ranked as the 14th most popular dog breed in America by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

The Husky has increased in popularity since the AKC first recognized the breed. This happened in 1930.
Final Thoughts
My final verdict, as you now know it to be true, is that the Siberian Husky and the wolf are extremely different.

Although you will also have a better understanding that they also have a few similarities between them.

However, as you might see for yourself, they might appear to look a bit similar to each other, but the truth is that this is how far their similarities go. 
In any case, wolves are an entirely different creature compared to Huskies, so you can keep your Husky at home while you admire the wolf from afar.

And, with all that being said, this will now conclude this guide on "Husky vs. Wolf: Key Differences Explained."

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