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Common Health Issues in Huskies (Important)

It is quite important for you to know the common health issues in Huskies, which your Husky is very likely to suffer from.

Common Health Issues in Huskies

The truth is that they mostly don’t suffer from these health issues, but sometimes they aren’t so lucky.
So, in this guide, we will be looking at some common health issues that Siberian Huskies might be prone to.
And I’m not trying to say that every Husky will suffer from these health issues. 

This is just to be aware of the common health issues with the Husky breed.
5 Common Siberian Husky Health Issues
The Siberian Huskies are one of the most distinguished dogs you can find.

They possess a distinctive, muscular build along with an extremely amiable personality.

In the world today, the Siberian Husky breed is one of the most popular dog breeds, although the reasons for that are evident.

However, as beautiful as this dog breed is, it is still likely to suffer from some health issues, although, generally, it is a healthy dog breed.
Below, I will discuss the five most common health issues that the Siberian Husky breed is susceptible to.
Knowing this will prepare you as a Husky owner when you welcome one of these dog breeds into your home.
1. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

It is very important that you adopt or buy your Siberian Husky puppy from a reputable, professional breeder.

This breeder also has to have a wide knowledge of the family health history of your pooch.
This is due to the fact that certain congenital diseases, such as progressive retinal atrophy, cannot be avoided if passed down from generation to generation.
Although there are many beautiful Huskies in shelters who also need a home.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy, or PRA, refers to a set of degenerative diseases that affect the photoreceptors in the eye and, in due course, cause blindness.

This health issue can cause full blindness in less than a year, even though, as an initial symptom, you might observe that your dog has low night vision.
However, sadly, you should be aware that there is no cure for this condition, progressive retinal atrophy.
2. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a health condition caused by the underproduction of the thyroid gland in dogs.
And you should know that the thyroid gland is responsible for the regulation of the metabolism of your dog.
This health condition can affect and make the carrying out of your pooch's daily activities extremely difficult.
There are some symptoms of hypothyroidism, and they include a slow heart rate, excessive hair loss, loss of appetite, and general inactivity.
As you know, this health condition affects the whole body of your dog, so if you notice your dog has this condition, it is extremely important that you contact your veterinarian immediately.
Even though hypothyroidism cannot be cured, your veterinarian can prescribe hormone replacement medication for your Husky. 

This will help your dog manage its daily difficulties.
3. Hereditary Cataracts

The common belief is that cataracts are a health condition that is often related to old age.
However, in the case of the Siberian Huskies, this eye defect is not related to old age but rather is caused by genes and heredity.
There are some signs experienced by your dog that you have to notice, one of which is lens opacity.
Huskies can suffer from this eye defect as young as three months old, and this includes your Husky. 
The eyesight of Siberian Huskies is damaged because light cannot enter their vision.
4. Canine Hip Dysplasia, or CHD

This health issue is another type of genetic disorder that Huskies are likely to suffer from.
It is a health condition where the femur of your dog is improperly set into the socket of your pooch’s hip.
To rephrase it, the hock joint of your Husky as well as its elbow are kind of loose, which keeps its bones from sliding off.
This health issue is also detectable in other dog breeds. You need to screen the parent dogs, which is an important part of the breeding program if you don’t want your pooch to suffer from this condition.
5. Allergies
Allergies are the fifth and final common health issue in Huskies on my list. 

Huskies can have an allergic reaction to certain substances like food, chemicals, and pollen.

These substances can cause symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy skin. 

As you know, Huskies are rather sensitive dogs, and allergies to this dog breed are rather common.
Symptoms of Allergies in Huskies

Common Health Issues in Huskies

  • Dry skin
  • Ear infections
  • Vomiting diarrhea
  • Itching and scratching
  • Food refusal (reaction to common allergen ingredients)
  • Watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Rash or hives
How to Help Huskies with Allergies

Common Health Issues in Huskies

  • Keep the Environment Clean

You can find allergens such as dust, mold, and pollen in the air and on surfaces in your home and yard.
So, I will suggest you keep your environment as clean as you can if you intend to help lessen the exposure of your Husky to these allergens.

To do this, you will need to vacuum frequently, wash the bedding and toys often, and also make use of air purifiers.
  • Use Allergy-Friendly Products

To help reduce irritation and inflammation in the skin of your Husky, I suggest you use hypoallergenic conditioners, shampoos, and grooming products.
  • Make Dietary Changes

If your Husky has food allergies, you should consult with your veterinarian about switching its diet to a limited-ingredient or hypoallergenic diet.
  • Medications
You might get some prescribed medications like immunotherapy, antihistamines, or corticosteroids from your veterinarian, as they can help manage your pooch's allergies.

  • Allergy Testing
Your veterinarian might recommend allergy testing for your pooch, especially if you are not sure what your Husky is allergic to.
Allergy testing will help pinpoint the specific allergens that are causing the symptoms in your Husky.
Final Thoughts

You might also want to ask whether Huskies are a healthy breed or not, especially since we are dealing with the common health issues they are susceptible to.

Common Health Issues in Huskies

As previously stated, Huskies are generally a healthy breed. 

But that does not mean they are not likely to suffer from certain health conditions.
As you know and as has been discussed in this guide, they are susceptible to some health issues, but fortunately, most of these health issues can be avoided with proper preventative diet, care, and a healthy lifestyle.
To keep your husky healthy, you'll need to feed it a high-quality diet rich in macronutrients.
Also, you need to provide it with adequate exercise, thanks to the fact that Huskies are an active breed, to reduce their stress and also go for regular checkups with your veterinarian.
And, with all that being said, this will be the conclusion of this guide on "Common Health Issues in Huskies (Important)."

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